

The All Ukrainian open music competition
named after Myroslav Skoryk


Lily Dorfman: We strongly support Kyiv, Ukraine and strive to build a line of our mutual cooperation
We’ve recently made a short interview with a respected member of the jury, the famous pianist and pedagogue, Mrs. Lily Dorfman (Israel)
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Gala-concert «Con Amore Festum» 2015
Project initiated «Skoryk Competition» 2016
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The All Ukrainian open music competition, named after Myroslav Skoryk, in which only his music is performed, takes place in Ukraine for the first time. Myroslav Skoryk is a world famous composer, the Hero of Ukraine, People's Artist of Ukraine, and winner of the Shevchenko National Prize.

The aim of the competition is to promote creative and spiritual growth of young gifted musicians, creating conditions for the realization of their creative potential, and training according to modern international standards.

The winners will receive the opportunity to participate in master classes of famous musicians and perform at concert venues in Ukraine, including the orchestra under the direction Skoryk.

Founder of the competition - «The Anna Tomasyshyn charity fund», implemented a number of successful art projects, including the festival «CON AMORE».

Co-organizers of the competition are the National Music Academy of Ukraine P.I. Tchaikovsky, and National Union of Composers of Ukraine.

The competition is under the patronage of Marina Poroshenko and the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine.

Photo Of Poroshenko

Dear organizators of the The First Myroslav Skoryk Ukrainian Open Music Contest,

Today, Ukraine is experiencing one of the most difficult historical periods of its existence. We have to defend our independence, territorial integrity, values and culture. Obviously, it is not possible to build a strong democratic state without a high moral and spiritual level of its citizens, together with a spiritually rich and culturally developed society.

I would like to express my gratitude to the organizators of the The First Annual Myroslav Skoryk Ukrainian Open Music Competition for the excellent initiative, that helped to promote the development of music in Ukraine. You are all doing extremely important work - finding and supporting young talents, and also  raising the level of culture of Ukrainian people.

I am convinced that the competition will be held at the highest level and the most talented young Ukrainian will get the victory! From my side, I am ready to assist and help in conducting the Competition.

Sincerely, Marina Poroshenko.
Photo Of Skoryk

Dear Young Pianists,

It is a common knowledge that piano music is the foundation of musical culture, and you all are part of it. It is favored kind of music for a wide range of musicians and music lovers. It is also my favorite kind. And when I was asked to give my piano compositions for the young pianists competition, it became a great pleasure for me.

So I invite you to take part in this competition and I hope that it will find new talents and give them a way into the height of piano performance.

I wish you success!

Sincerely, Miroslav Skoryk.
Photo Of Tomasyshyn

Dear friends,

One more competition has been born, that differs from the others. The music of our contemporary, famous Ukrainian composer Myroslav Skoryk will be its "visiting card" and field of competition. That bright, cheerful and creative world of music opens a unique opportunity for each of the competitors to understand our culture more deeply and reveal his or her musical talent.

I am confident that this new competition will become a real celebration that will bring together internationally recognized musicians and young performers, their teachers, parents and true music lovers. It will help the brightest and most successful competitors to expand the range of their professional communication. Besides the  prizes, they will receive  invitations to participate in prestigious and authoritative international workshops.

I want to wish all the participants to have faith in their strength and inspiration. Let the harmony and beauty of Myroslav Skoryk's music inspire you all to new creative achievements. I wish everybody inspiration at work during the competition and strong diligence to win!

I am sincerely grateful to everyone who supported the idea of this competition.

Sincerely, Anna Tomasyshyn.
Photo Of Kyrylenko

Організаторам, учасникам та гостям Першого Всеукраїнського відкритого музичного конкурсу Мирослава Скорика

Дорогі друзі!

Сердечно вітаю всіх із започаткуванням нової мистецької акції в Україні – Першого Всеукраїнського відкритого музичного конкурсу 
Мирослава Скорика.

Названий іменем всесвітньо відомого українського композитора, Героя України, народного артиста України, лауреата Національної премії України імені Тараса Шевченка Мирослава Михайловича Скорика, конкурс є унікальним проектом, адже він єдиний в Україні, у рамках якого виконуватиметься виключно музика нашого славетного земляка.

Переконаний, що це яскраве музичне змагання дасть життя багатьом творчим починанням, відкриє нові імена талановитих музикантів, подарує добру нагоду реалізувати свій творчий потенціал і стане успішним етапом 
на шляху їх професійного зростання.

Бажаю всім учасникам конкурсу натхнення, високої майстерності, вдалих виступів і творчих перемог, а самому конкурсу – успіху та довголіття.

З повагою
Віце-прем’єр-міністр України –
Міністр культури України
В. А. Кириленко
Photo Of Rozhok

Учасникам і гостям Всеукраїнського відкритого музичного конкурсу Мирослава Скорика

Шановні учасники конкурсу та поважні члени журі!

Дозвольте сердечно привітати Вас з відкриттям Всеукраїнського відкритого музичного конкурсу Мирослава Скорика.

Проведення цієї важливої мистецької акції, співорганізатором якої є Національна музична академія України імені П. І. Чайковського, не тільки сприятиме виявленню та розвитку молодих талантів, на які завжди була багата українська земля, а й популяризує творчість Мирослава Скорика, унікальної постаті, неперевершеного, талановитого композитора і педагога, диригента і музикознавця, громадського діяча.

Сподіваюсь, що протягом конкурсних днів відбуватиметься обмін досвідом талановитих музикантів. До того ж, маю надію, що для декого з них київський конкурс стане стартовим майданчиком до всесвітнього визнання.

Бажаю всім миру, здоров’я, наполегливості і творчого натхнення.

Ректор НМАУ ім. П. І. Чайковського,
Доктор мистецтвознавства, професор,
Народний артист України,
член-кореспондент НАМУ,
В. І. Рожок


The First All-Ukrainian public music competition named after Myroslav Skoryk will take place in Kyiv from 17th to 20th February 2016


To participate in the competition can pianists aged 13 to 17 years (I category), 18-23 years (II category)


The deadline for sending applications to participate in the competition is 20th of January 2016

1) Download and fill the form

2) Send the filled form with a photo and scanned copies to:


The registration fee for the competition is 1,000 UAH and must be paid till the 20th of January, 2016



All pieces should be performed from memory

A piece of music can be performed only once

The order of music pieces should be performed at the request of the competitor


1st Round «Skoryk Competition»

Duration of the performance is up to 25 minutes for the first age category, and 35 minutes - for the second age category

The piece of music, written by M.Skoryk for the first round of the competition is obligatory for all age categories (the notes will be posted on the website two months before the start of the competition)

Prelude and Fugue from the «Preludes and Fugues» (optional)
Piano cycle «The Carpathians», «Boyko Song»
Piano cycle «The Carpathians»: «In the forest»
Piano cycle «The Carpathians»: «Singing in the mountains»
Piano cycle «The Carpathians»: «Kolomyika»
«A piece of paper to the album»
The play «Lirnyk» with «Children's Album»
Piano cycle of «Six jazz pieces»: «A pleasant walk»
Piano cycle of «Six jazz pieces»: «A haunting melody»
Piano cycle of «Six jazz pieces»: «Patterns»
Piano cycle of «Six jazz pieces»: «In the old jazz style»
Piano cycle of «Six jazz pieces»: «In folk style»
Piano cycle of «Six jazz pieces»: «Caprice»
Partita number 5: «Prelude»
Partita number 5: «Waltz»
Partita number 5: «Chorus»
Partita number 5: «Aria»
Partita number 5: «Finale»
«Memory» - the work, written M.Skoryk for the first round of the competition

2nd round «Skoryk Competition»

The program of the second round will be accompanied by the Symphony orchestra

Four competitors in each age category are allowed to participate in the second round

Myroslav Skorik. №1 Concert for Piano and Orchestra (C-dur)


First Prize

$3000 and the title of the winner

Second Prize

$1500 and the title of the winner

Third Prize

$1000 and the title of the winner


Participation in the workshop of the Académie Internationale d'Eté de Nice (France)

Participation in two workshops on the International Summer Academy of Music (Germany)

Special prize by Myroslav Skoryk

Performances with symphony orchestra under the direction of maestro during 2016


Photo Of Skoryk

Myroslav Skorik

Chairman of the adjudicators, The prominent Ukrainian composer, Hero of Ukraine, full knight «Order of Merit», People's Artist of Ukraine, winner of the Shevchenko National Prize, artistic director of the National Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre of Ukraine named after Taras Shevchenko, corresponding member of the Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Professor, Ph.D., Professor Of History of Ukrainian Music at the National Music Academy of Ukraine named after P. Tchaikovsky, Head of Composition Lviv Conservatory, Head of the Lviv branch of the Union of Composers of Ukraine, Honorary Chairman of the National Union of Composers of Ukraine, Artistic Director of the Festival «Kyiv Music Fest».

Myroslav Skoryk was born in 1938 in Lviv. From 1955-1960 , he studied in Lviv State Lysenko Conservatory, completed postgraduate studies at the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory under the direction of Dmitry Kabalevsky. From 1966 to the end of the 1980s he taught composition at the Kiev Conservatory : amongst his student were Eugene Stankovic, Ivan Karabyts, Osvaldas Balakauskas, Oleg Kiva, Vladimir Zubitsky, Victor Stepurko, Anna Gavrilets, Alexander Kozarenko and many others famous Ukrainian composers . For a long time he was working in the USA and Australia. In the late 1990s, he returned to Ukraine.

Compositions by Myroslav Skoryk are the treasury of Ukrainian music, and are popular not only in Ukraine, but also abroad. His music is often performed by distinguished musicians from the CIS countries, Germany, France, Austria, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Great Britain, USA, Canada and Australia. He often conducts and plays his own compositions.

Composer's heritage contains a variety of music genres: opera «Moses», ballets «Minerva», «Return of Butterfly», «Caprice»; instrumental concertos for orchestra, cello and orchestra, three piano concertos and nine violin, viola concertos; works for symphony and chamber orchestras; a variety of ensembles, piano compositions, including seven partita’s for different instrumental cast; vocal, pop and jazz compositions; music for theater, movies and cartoons. Соoperating with famous film directors (including S. Parajanov in the cult film «Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors») proved very effective.

He was editor of the Ukrainian classics: opera by M. Leontovich «On the Water Nymph's Easter», A. Vakhnyanyn «Kupala», D. Sichinskiy «Roksolana». He created a new version and orchestration to N. Lysenko opera «Natalka Poltavka», S. Hulak-Artemovskyís «Cossacks Beyond the Danube».

Photo Of Dorfman

Lily Dorfman

Інтерв'ю з Лілі Дорфман

The world-famous pianist, teacher, co-founder of ISAM (International Sommer Academy of Music). She holds a Master of Music degree from the famed Gnessin Academy of Music (Moscow), where she was a pupil of the piano virtuoso, Maestro Arnold Kaplan, disciple of the piano school of Alexander Goldenweiser. She also studied with and participated in master-classes of A. Jocheles and H. Neuhaus in Moscow. Upon immigrating to Israel in 1973, Lily Dorfman first taught at the Jerusalem Conservatory of Music, followed by a position at the internationally renowned Givatayim Music Conservatory. She is currently on the faculty of the Buchman-Mehta School of Music of the Univeristy of Tel Aviv, teaching piano and chamber music. Since 2009 Lyly Dorfman is a faculty member in "Mozarteum" international master classes in Sazlburg. Many of her students serve as members of piano faculties around the world, are winners of international and national piano competitions, study in music academies in Israel, Russia, Germany, England, USA, among others, and are recipients of scholarships awarded by the American-Israel Cultural Foundation.

Photo Of Kot

Yuri Kot

The world-famous pianist, professor of the National Music Academy of Ukraine named after P. Tchaikovsky, Honored Artist of Ukraine, winner of the award named after Levko Revutskiy. He graduated from the Kiev State Conservatory named after P. Tchaikovsky and post-graduate studies in the class of Professor Valery Kozlov. Winner of the national and international competitions, including: laureate of the National Piano Competition named after Mykola Lysenko in Kiev (1988); winner of the first International Piano Competition named after S. Prokofiev in St. Petersburg (Russia, 1992); composed piano duo with Irina Aleksiychuk - the winner of the first International Chamber Music Contest "Golden Autumn" in Brussels (1993); winner of the 45th International Competition for piano duets ARD in Munich (Germany, 1996); winner of the 6th International Competition for piano duets Murray Dranoff in Miami (USA, 1997). Many tour in Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, the Balkan countries, Japan, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, USA, Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, as a soloist and as part piano duo with Irina Aleksiychuk. Jury member and Chairman of numerous competitions in Ukraine and abroad.

Photo Of Olyinyk

Lesya Oliynyk

Renowned musicologist, music critic, journalist and public figure. Vice-Rector of the National Music Academy of Ukraine named after P. Tchaikovsky, secretary of the National Union of Composers of Ukraine on Foreign Relations, Secretary General of the National Committee of the International Music Council (ICM), a member of the National Committee of Ukraine for UNESCO, General Representative of Ukraine AIDA International art Association (Monaco). Especially puts efforts in the field of international cultural activities. Together with the embassies she organized more than 70 concert presentations of "Musical Dialogues". She is co-founder of Ukrainian Section of the International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM). Lesya Oliynyk represented Ukraine at festivals, competitions and conferences in Germany, Switzerland, Poland, Belgium, France, Sweden and the UK. Very popular became the next events, founded and organized by her: "Kiev seasons"; philharmonic concert series "Musical Culture of Europe" and "The Forgotten Pages". Lesya Oliynyk is the author of books, chapters of the "History of Ukrainian music" in 6 volumes, she has more than 100 articles in scientific domestic and foreign collections. She is also the author of over 400 publications in the media. As a music columnist radio "Freedom" she created more than 700 programs and live broadcasts. She is a participator of live broadcasts about the problems of Ukrainian musical culture on the National Broadcasting Company of Ukraine. Awarded Diploma of the Kyiv city state administration, the Order of St. Barbara Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Photo Of Suhovienko

Dmytro Sukhovienko

World renowned pianist, he graduated from the Kiev State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky in the class of professor Vsevolod Vorobyov. He received a Yehudi Menuhin grants to study in Switzerland. Participant of master classes with Paul Badura-Skoda, Barry Douglas, Dmitri Bashkirov, Philippe Antrim Abdel Rahman El-Basha and others. Winner of the International piano competitions «Rovere d'Oro» in Italy and «Clara Schumann» in Germany. Recorded 5 albums with pieces of music by Chopin, M. Kolessa, Prokofiev, Liszt, Schubert, Rachmaninov, Schumann, Brahms and M. Mussorgsky. Dmitry Sukhovienko is the Artistic director of the series of concerts in the European Parliament in Brussels and Musical director of the International Association A.I.D.A.

Photo Of Fedorov

Boris Fedorov

Renowned pianist, associate professor of the National Music Academy named after P.I.Tchaikovsky. He graduated with honors from the Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory and post-graduate studies under the direction of Professor Gleb Axelrod. Laureate and diploma winner of international competitions in Rome (1995), Senigallia (1994, Italy), Porto (1993, Portugal); Ukrainian Festival Gran Prix in memory of Regina and Vladimir Horowitz in Kyiv (1995). Gives a concert in Ukraine and abroad - in Italy, the USA, the Netherlands (twice performed in Amsterdam Concertgebouw). It has a large number of records in the National Television and Radio Fund of Ukraine. His students over 60 times became the winners of International competitions, many of them have a successful concert career. Boris Fedorov is an author of scientific articles and jury member of national and international competitions. Artistic director of musical projects, among them - the concert of young Ukrainian and Georgian pianists dedicated to the Independence Day of Georgia in Kiev (2008); Festival "Music in Poltava Light" (2004); young artists concerts and master classes in the cities of Ukraine.


Under The Patronage

Logo Of Poroshenko

With Assistance

Logo Of Mincult
The Ministry of Culture of Ukraine
Logo Of Belgium Embassy
Embassy of
Logo Of Israel Embassy
Embassy of


«Благодійний фонд
Анни Томасишин»


Logo Of Conamore Logo Of Conservatory Logo Of Union

Sponsors and Partners

Logo Of Tereshenko
Tereshenko Foundation
Logo Of Mau
Official Competition Airlines
Logo Of Premier Hotels and Resorts
The First National chain of hotels
«Premier Hotels and Resorts»

Logo Of Folk Ukraine
Logo Of Kamelia
Logo Of Music Ukraine
Logo Of Den

Logo Of Orchestra
Logo Of Kozlovskogo
Logo Of Tarelka
«ПІК Консалтинг»
Logo Of Porto Franko


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Інтерв'ю з Лілі Дорфман